Step By Step Guide To Help Your Cat Lose Weight With An Automatic Litter Box
The Right Way
Unfortunately, feline obesity has become a common medical problem among indoor cats. Free-feeding, lack of exercise, and poor diet habits can all negatively impact your fur baby’s health and cause them to put on extra weight.
Obesity can increase your kitty’s risk of many other health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and premature arthritis. What’s more, it can decrease your furry companion’s lifespan.
As cat lovers, we all want our furry friends to live long and healthy lives, but with our hectic day-to-day activities, it can be challenging to keep track of a cat’s weight. Moreover, when you do notice your kitty is getting big, they may already be in an unhealthy weight range.
Is Your Cat Overweight? Let's Figure It Out
Because different cat breeds have different ideal weights, it’s hard to tell if your kitty is a healthy weight or not. As a very general example, most domestic shorthair cats should weigh between 7 and 10 lbs.
However, we recommend asking your vet the ideal weight for your specific cat at their current age. You will also need to take into consideration your cat’s sex. This is because males tend to weigh more than females. Once you know your cat’s ideal weight, you should weigh your kitty to see how far off they are from that.
Now, we know how difficult it is to get your feline to sit on the scale long enough to detect their weight accurately. Luckily, with the AutoEgg, you don’t need to struggle. This is thanks to the health log and alert system, which records your cat’s weight every time they visit the litter box. You can view this information on the touchscreen display panel. Because the weight sensors of the AutoEgg have a 0.03 oz accuracy, you can be sure the reading is reliable and the entries are consistent for up to 25 uses before it cycles again.
Of course, physically examining your feline will help you understand if they are out of the healthy weight range too. A hanging belly or round abdomen is a clear indication your cat needs to slim down. Likewise, if it is difficult to feel their ribs, they are probably bigger than they should be for their age.
How To Help Your Cat Lose Weight
If your cat is overweight, you should consider both their diet and activity levels. Then, make changes to both areas to increase the likelihood of weight loss and enable their success.
Dietary Changes
1) Do Not Free-Food.
Perhaps you leave a big bowl of dry kibble out when you go to work in the morning, so your cat does not get hungry throughout the day. Despite your good intentions, this is one of the most likely reasons your cat puts on weight. This is because most cats will eat more than they need if they have continuous access to food. Eating beyond their needs will surely start to catch up to them as the weight creeps on overtime.
2) Create Meal Times.
Create a meal schedule where you feed your cat at set times every day. Get clear on how many times you should feed your feline too. Healthy adult cats should eat two meals a day (or three smaller meals). For kittens, you can provide three to four small portions as they're growing. If you’re unsure, consult with your vet for assistance in creating their schedule.
3) Feed Mostly Wet Food.
Most dry kibbles contain grains and, therefore, have a higher carbohydrate content. It also has less protein than wet food, so pouches and canned food are more filling and nutritional for felines.
Wet food has a much higher percentage of water too. Because cats are not big drinkers, giving wet food increases your kitty’s fluid intake and makes them feel fuller for longer. Help to curb the cravings during the dietary adjustment in the weight loss process can be a huge help in making the transition feel painless.
4) Switch To A New Food Slowly.
Your vet might suggest that you change your cat’s food to a particular diet formula or a higher quality brand with more nutritional value. If so, avoid an abrupt change, as new foods can initially cause upset stomachs in some cats. Start by mixing both foods or giving them a small portion on the side. Then, gradually decrease the old food ratio and increase the new one until the switch is complete.
Increased Exercise
If your cat is an indoor-only kitty, it probably isn't getting as much movement as it needs. Moreover, as cats age, they naturally become less active and prefer to sleep for the majority of their day rather than play.
As their owner, it’s our job to stimulate them mentally and encourage them to play and move frequently every day. This does require time and effort from us.
To help your cat lose weight, create a twice-daily fitness regime where you actively play with your kitty for 15-20 minutes. There are many ways you can do this:
- Keep plenty of toys around, including their favorites. The classic feather wand is much-loved by many to engage them both physically and mentally.
- Have fun with lasers - most cats go crazy at lasers projected on the walls.
- If your cat doesn’t want to get off the sofa, open a cat game app on your phone or tablet and place it next to them, be mindful that while this can be entertaining for them it may not do the trick in terms of exercise.
- Create or purchase a cat tower to encourage climbing.
- Provide different scratch posts around the house.
- Consider taking your cat for a walk. There are many cat harnesses and leashes you can buy to take your cat outside safely. Be sure to properly fit a harness to your kitty before going out to ensure they can't wiggle out and escape.
Tracking Weight Loss With The AutoEgg
Once you’ve got your cat started on their new health and fitness regime, you’ll need to check their weight weekly to monitor the weight loss. The health tracker of the AutoEgg provides an effortless way to do this.
The system holds data from the last 25 entries, as mentioned, so you can see how quickly (or slowly) the weight is dropping off each week. Bear in mind that the data automatically replaces as your cat uses the litter box. So, be sure to take note of your kitties weight when routinely comparing the progress over the long term.
It’s vital to keep an eye on your fur baby’s weight when on a diet to ensure they do not lose weight too quickly. This is because dropping pounds too fast can lead to liver disease. Cats should lose no more than 2 percent of their total weight per week. The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention suggests aiming to lose 1 pound (0.4kg) per month.
Our Thoughts
We understand putting your cat on a diet is not the most straightforward task. The AutoEgg will assist you in the weight loss process by allowing you to keep track of your cat’s weight more easily.
With the right knowledge, planning, structure, and effort, you can successfully help your cat lose weight and live a healthier and happier life.
Visit our homepage for more details on how the AutoEgg can alter your cat's life.